Toys and ride vehicles for Children
Title: Build your Kids The Sidewalk Classic (1.28mb) Author: Robert Woolson
Title: Build an electric Scoot-Car (2.1mb) Author: Robert Woolson
Title: Toys: Their Design and Construction (23,2mb) Author: J. Kay, C.T. White
Title: 3 Projects to Make for the Youngsters (437kb) Author: ?
Title: Sidewalk Play Car Has Electric Drive (1.28mb) Author: Elmer V. Clark
Title: Antique Auto Half-Scale Replica of 1910 Touring Car (3mb) Author: George E. Jones
Title: Things To Make (11.1 mb) Author: Archibald Williams
Title: Folk Toys Are Back Again (981kb) Author: Henry B. Comstock
Title: The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 (17.3 mb) Author: Popular Mechanics
Title: Wright Brothers 1900 Kite Model Instructions (855kb) Author: Roger Storm
Title: 5 Toy electric motors__(899kb) Author: C.A. Crowley
Title: Remember The Spinning Wing Auto Giro?__(354kb) Author: Roy L. Clough Jr.
Title: Bicycle Trailers__(336kb) Author:
Title: Racing Land Yachts is Exciting Fun__(206kb) Author: Hi Sibley
Title: Model Hydroplane Skims__(947kb) Author: Roy L. Clough Jr.
Title: “Miss Take” An Air Driven Model Hydroplane__(530kb) Author: Gerald C. Leake
Title: Scamper An Air powered Car or Boat__(777kb) Author: Paul Del Gatto
Title: Build This Tom Thumb Mini Bike__(1.31mb) Author:
Title: Gyro Skipper__(689kb) Author: Paul Del Gatto