Lee’s Homebuilt Custom Trikes 

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 Trike Index 

Stephanie’s Current Trike

comfort cruiser ver 1.1 plan
side plan large view
front view
front view
left side
left side
front right
front right
steering closeup
steering closeup
side view rear
rear side

  This was my first trike that actually looked more of less like most of the others on the market. It was created from parts from 2 different 24 inch mountain bikes and tubing from about 3 or 4 bikes.

  The wheel base of the trike is 38 inches and the width of the front wheels is 34 inches. The gear inch range is 35-71 and uses a Shimino SIS Rear derailer. These seem to be the ones I find most of the time when recycling parts from throw away bikes.

  The seat is loosely woven from 1/4 inch nylon rope. It was supposed to be a temporary measure but my wife doesn’t want me to change it.
She doesn’t even want me to finish the weaving on the top of the seat!

  The steering is set up like a tank type system with the handles rotating around a pivot welded to the bottom of each side of the seat frame. The linkage is currently made up of 1/2 inch bolts and nuts welded up in a universal type joint.

  It has a single caliper type brake on the rear rim. This really isn’t enough for my taste but Stephanie is happy with it and I ran into “leave my trike alone!” again when I suggested installing a second one.

  The rims and wheels are large-mart bike parts and are 20 inch front and 24 inch rear with knobby tires all around.   This trike is also capable of using 24 inch front wheels due to larger front forks.
 This trike has also now been given away to someone that plans to rebuild it.