Library Main PDF Menu  

Main Workshop Index

General Subjects

All Kinds of Online and Small Business ‘How to’ Ebooks

Assortment of Various Fiction / Nonfiction books and  stories

Recipes Ebooks

Various General Subjects, Some Self-Help Type Stuff

Historical Government text files (.txt)

Firing Range Targets

Survival  and Camping Information

   Mechanical Section 

All kinds Of General Mechanical  ‘How-to’  and Tips 

Small Engine Repairs and tips   ‘How-to’  

Information Useful for Alternative Energy Projects

Metal Welding,brazing,heat treatment  ‘How-to’ 

Metal Casting Info For Various Projects  ‘How-to’

Grinding and Lapping Information ‘How-to’

Gear Information And Repair   ‘How-to’

Small Steam Engine Plans and Tips

Instructions and Plans for Building Kid Toys and Vehicles

Plans for various power tools

Plans for various bench tools

Bikes, Boats, Scooters and lawn tractors, etc…

Lathe And Mill Information and Projects

Mechanical Charts and Conversion Tables

How to Build Telescope plans