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Title: Amazing_Cat_tales
Author: Max Diamond
Title: The Chronicles of Clovis
Author: Saki
Title: My Man Jeeves
Author: Wodehouse
Title: Right Ho, Jeeves
Author: Wodehouse

Title: Abraham Lincoln 
Author: James Russell Lowell

Title:  Across The Plains
Author: Robert Louis Stevenson

Title:  Adventure
Author: Jack London
Title:  Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Author: Mark Twain
Title:  Fables
Author: Aesop
Title:  How to live on 24 hours a day
Author: Arnold Bennett
Title:  Common Sense
Author: Blanchard Yorimoto-Tashi
Title: The Master Key System
Author: Charles Haanel
Title:  Your Forces and How to Use Them
Author: Christen Larson
Title:  Adventures
Author: David Grayson
Title:  Self Mastery
Author: Emile Coue
Title:  Manual
Author: Epictetus
Title:  The Science of Mind
Author: Ernest Holmes
Title:  The Multiple Mentality Course
Author: Harry Kahne
Title:  The Greatest Thing in the World
Author: Henry Drummond
Title:  The Life of the Spirit
Author:  Henry Thomas Hamblin
Title:  The Power of Thought
Author:  Henry Thomas Hamblin
Title:  Within You is the Power
Author: Henry Thomas Hamblin
Title: Siddharta  
Author: Hermann Hesse
Title:  The Power of Silence
Author: Horatio Dresser
Title:  Above Life’s Turmoil
Author:  James Allen
Title:  As a Man Thinketh
Author: James Allen
Title:  Byways to Blessedness
Author:  James Allen
Title:  The Path of Prosperity
Author: James Allen
Title:  The Way of Peace
Author: James Allen
Title:  The Madman 
Author: Khalil Gibran
Title:  The Textbook of Theosophy
Author: Leadbeater
Title:  How to Find Your Real Self
Author: Mildred Mann
Title:  Think and Grow Rich
Author: Napoleon Hill
Title:  Character-Building Thought Power
Author: Ralph Waldo Trine
Title:  The Greatest Thing Ever Known
Author: Ralph Waldo Trine
Title:  The Man Who Knew
Author: Ralph Waldo Trine
Title:  The Wayfarer on the Open Road
Author: Ralph Waldo Trine
Title:  This Mystical Life of Ours
Author: Ralph Waldo Trine
Title:  What  All The World’s A-Seeking
Author: Ralph Waldo Trine
Title:  The Magic Story
Author: Rensselaer Dey
Title:  Acres of Diamonds
Author: Russell Conwell
Title:  Self-Help – National and Individual
Author: Samual Smiles
Title:  The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
Author: Theron Dumont
Title:  The Creative Process in the Individual
Author: Thomas Troward
Title:  The Dore Lectures on Mental Science
Author: Thomas Troward
Title:  Walking
Author: Thoreau
Title:  The Science of Getting Rich
Author: Wallace Wattles
Title:  The Mental Cure 
Author: Warren Felt Evans
Title:  The Secret of Success
Author: William Atkinson
Title:  Thought Vibration
Author: William Atkinson
Title:  Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life
Author: Wiliam Atkinson
Title: On The Origen of Species
Author: Charles Darwin